The Secret Sauce To Choosing A Digital Ordering Platform

Choosing the right digital ordering platform for your restaurant can be overwhelming.

What functionality is right for my brand?

Does the platform have the flexibility I need to pivot fast to the changing demands of my guests and operators?

Can the platform be branded to my restaurant?

All of these concerns contribute to an unpleasant experience trying to select the digital ordering platform that is best suited for their restaurant brand.

This is exactly why we wanted to address this issue.

In the latest episode of Tillster Tidbits, Tillster VP of software engineering, Ram Jayaraman, shares his insights on the key criteria restaurant leaders should reference when assessing digital ordering providers. With this comprehensive outline, you can simplify your selection process and quickly determine the ordering platforms that can be tailored best to your brand.

Watch the full episode below.

Have a question about digital ordering platforms or want to learn more about Tillster’s platform?

Contact us today to be connected with a representative to assist you in your search.